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Intro to film
What is Intro to film?

In the class of intro to film we'll obviously be recording each other. We will learn about photoshop and many other interesting things having to do with film.

Projects and work will be added onto this page!

Once we began projects I will add onto this page :)

My poster NSQ copy.jpg
Person Jump out
NSQ jumpout copy.jpg

Animal Jump out 


This is my animal jump out. Like the person jump out I did the same 

Person jump out was really fun and creates an illusion of a person jumping out of the portrait. 
My Abbreviated Logo

Description- My collage has a variety of things I like. I love Beauty and the Beast. I love bunnies. I love the ocean and many other thing that are provided in the picture. 

This is my logo ideas
nsq logo.jpg

I'll get to choose what logo I want for the rest of my projects for the future.

Album NSQ copy.jpg
FullLogo NSQ copy.jpg
FullLogoNSQ copy.png
AbbLogo NSQ copy.png
AbbLogo NSQ copy.png
My full logo
4 final logos
My full logo

I like crowns so on top of my initials there's a crown. It's more detailed and some colors changed.

My album cover- prom dress.
it was an easy nice album picture I like.
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